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More “Top Steps” September 1, 2010

Posted by alinnert in C.

I’d like to share some of the activities which I offered at our recent whole day Beebot workshop for students K-2.
The morning began with an introduction to Beebots (and robots in general) through the smartboard presentation provided through this site. This really generated interest in robots. Many students seemed surprised that a robot could look like a bee. We went through the characteristics of robots and decided that beebots met all of the criteria.

The students were then given the opportunity to explore their beebot and try to make it move. It took a little while for someone (other than students from our school who had already played with beebots) to work out that you need to press the clear button before entering a new sequence of instructions.

Next I introduced our “beebot village” houses. (made by covering the beebot packaging boxes) The students tried to program their beebot to move around the house. This came quite easily for some, while others used trial and error many times in their attempts to negotiate the box.

I’ll add more posts later….there is lots more to share.


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