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Teachers, if you have one or more of Bertie’s cousins at your school, you might like to browse through the subpages on the sidebar. You’ll find:


1. Sue Fennell - May 14, 2010

We’re developing a video to support teachers in using Vimeo to upload video images. It will be sited on the RHS subpages when Rod finishes it.

2. Sue Fennell - May 20, 2010

Thanks to Sue & Marika for alerting me to their need for their own school pages. Happy Blogging!

3. Sue Fennell - May 20, 2010

Remember our next chance to chat over VC is Thursday 27th May. You’ll receive the login details next week – watch your email!
This is a chance to ask questions, enjoy successes, etc, etc. I look forward to catching up!

4. devans17 - May 20, 2010

For your information, this blog has had some interesting visits since it was introduced last week to the teachers on this project. We have had 67 hits from Australia, including South Australia, 3 hits for the US (east and west coast) and 1 hit from Germany! Thought you might be interested.

5. macictsue - May 28, 2010

1MS have been very Busy! I’m delighted to see your fabulous work.

6. Sue Fennell - June 3, 2010

Did you notive the new page on the RHSidebar?
How to … links to support tutorials.
What other skills would you like MacICT to support?

7. Miss Rayner - June 17, 2010

Sorry I have posted NL’s beebot cousins to the wrong place. I was intending for it to go in the Bertie’s cousins sections and some how it has ended uo as another tag at the top. Is someone able to fix this?? Sorry again

Carly - June 18, 2010

Hi Miss Rayner,

Just head into edit your page, then on the right hand side you will see the heading “Page Attributes” then select the ‘Parent Category’ of ‘Your School’ and this will allow your page to come underneath the title of ‘Your School’ once Bertie’s Cousins tab is selected.

8. macictsue - June 19, 2010

A display about Bee-Bots from England! http://www.teachingphotos.co.uk/main.php?g2_itemId=1246
Thanks Audrey

msimonteach - June 19, 2010

Lovely display!

9. macictsue - June 25, 2010

Interest is high in schools to join the Term 3 intake of participants. We have scheduled another Introduction to Blogging PD 12/8/2010. Priority will be given to new participants, but old friends who’d like to develop new skills ought to consider joining.

10. macictsue - July 29, 2010

Thank you to the teachers and students who were able to join today’s VC. Many, many thanks to the Y1 students who talked about their work with Bee-Bots, and to their teaher/s who had so effectively prepared them for their role. Thanks also to the teachers who had thoughtfully prepared a report on their schools journey – I appreciate the effort this was!

11. macictsue - August 10, 2010

Term 3 Project schools are sending teachers to MacICT on Thursday for the Professional Development Day on Blogging. I am excited to help launch the next group!

12. macictsue - August 24, 2010

Hello Everyone,
My DET email has an issue – I’m offline but expect to be active again soon. Please remember that we’ve organised a support VC for this Thursday 3.30pm AEST. I’m looking forward to hearing about your experiences since we last met. For urgent support, try Carly or Karen Blackwell.

13. macictsue - August 27, 2010

I’m still off DET email – expect to be up & running early Week 7. Carly, can we organise a widget for showing where viewers are for our sidebar?

Carly - August 27, 2010

Hi Sue,

I am a little unsure of what you mean – we currently have the map showing the viewers that are accessing the blog. Is there another widget that you are thinking of?



14. 2010 in review « My Beebot - January 2, 2011

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